Kill a Nasty Orphan

I swear to goodness, if you are going to kill someone you are better off killing a nasty orphan.

Why, you ask.

Simple. So you do not have the wretched issues that arise in impact statements at sentencing and parole.

Lets face it. This is a time for vitriol on the part of people affected by the death of the victim. I do not know when it became part of the impact statement at sentencing and suspect that:

  • It is so prejudicial that it could one day be ruled unconstitutional before any sentencing.
  • Does not really impact a decent judge’s sentencing in any way or another.
  • Is just a way for hurt people to vent and rant in some of the most violent and mean ways left in the law to do so. Quite frankly, some of what they are allowed to say would not be allowed in any other forum without possible prosecution.

I just cannot understand how some of this crap is allowed to continue, but it is ensconced in the law and will probably stay there. If you ever see me wanting to give an impact statement, pat me down because I have something else in mind.

Then there is the parole hearing. The parole board should be adjudicating on the merits of the convict’s ability to be reintroduced into society based upon his/her actions and deeds behind bars during incarceration. However, if there are family or friends who are adamant and loud enough to attend the parole board, they can negatively affect the convict’s chances of parole regardless of what they have done behind bars or how long they have been incarcerated. If no one attends the parole hearing, then the convict’s merits are what are considered.

Thus, if you kill someone (and I do NOT recommend it), kill a nasty orphan,