Just Do Not Get IT

I must be out of touch with reality. I just do not get IT. I think that Donald Trump is a dangerous, crazy asshole. I have yet to see anything to change my attitude. In fact, on an almost daily basis he seems to prove me right.

And it is not his politics. I could care less about his stupid politics. Really. Oh, yeh you could say it is political when you say I object to his racism, his misogyny, his xenophobia, and such. If you do, you do not get IT. If you think that is politics, you are every bit as crazy, dangerous, and, yes, an asshole as he is. That ain’t politics. That is meanness, low-life, and moronic at best. But it sure as hell ain’t politics.

It may have been at one time. It should not be now. And before you defend yourself here are a few other things you will have to defend from years gone by: slavery, stoning, beheadings, dog fighting (maybe you go for that still – goody, goody), hanging witches, and literal trial by fire. You get the picture? We are better than that. If you are not, shut up and crawl under the rock you came from.

Now that I have said that, I have a beef with both parties. The Republicans are defending that Piece of Shit to further their political agenda despite him being crazy. It is almost like the movie Network where they let Howard Beale go insane as long as the ratings kept going up. Not to be outdone the Democrats are treating this as an opportunity to further their agenda by making all things Republican evil because of Trump.

In the 1970’s both sides of the aisle got together and got a dishonest, evil, crazy man out of office and he was not even in the same league as this P.O.S. How times have changed. Now it is politics as normal.

I do not know what side of the aisle disgusts me more at times.

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