John Harvard

You may have heard of John Harvard.  One of the most prestigious, some say THE most prestigious, university in America is named after him.

You may even know the reason that the University is named after him.  In case you do not: the reason is because he donated half of his fortune and his library to the college.  The main thing was the library.  It contained 329 titles, totaling 400 volumes.

Think about it.  Think about the number of books a voracious reader like me, and possibly you, have.  Either electronically or physically, I have many, many times that many books.  That is even after periodically winnowing down my books.  Admittedly, the tomes I have are probably not of the “quality” and “prestige’ of John Harvard’s but I still have them.

On top of that I have direct, generally free or almost free, access to all of those books he had.  Along with this, the internet gives me access to much more than he could have ever imagined.

Ain’t life fabulous.