It’s not about politics

I know that a lot of people think that my abhorrence of Trump is based upon his politics.  This includes both Liberals and conservatives.  While I will admit that I would not be a fan of Trump because of his politics, that is not a really not the issue.  I would object to his political stances just as I have objected to the political stances of those who have espoused Conservative values in the past.  But those who know me as cognizant of the simple fact that, while I despise some of their political actions, I have rarely if ever found the actual politician to be reprehensible.

Some have.  Stom Thurmond comes to mind.  He was a damned unreformed, corrupt, hypocritical racist who never changed and was returned to the Senate term after term by the electorate of South Carolina.  One would say racism was a sign of the times but he was re-elected in 1998, thus we had a racist serving into the 21st Century, so the times have not changed that much.  I have to admit that I despised that man.  He knew better and chose not to change and he was seemingly smart enough to know what he was doing.  There was not excuse for that type of behavior.  In fact, there was no damned excuse for returning that POS to the Senate, nor in seating him.  It also speaks poorly of both the Republican Party and the people of South Carolina to continue to support this asshole.

Now let us get back to Trump.  It is not because he is a Republican.  It is because his blatant:

  • Racism – telling black people to go home and other open and not-so-subtle racial remarks.
  • Misogyny – can you say, “grab them by the pussy”?
  • Xenophobia – do not want “them” in – although this may be racism because “them” usually are non-European extract.
  • Denigration of people with disabilities – making gestures to make fun of people’s physical appearances and motor skills.
  • Mocking of others – making fun of gestures, dress, looks, and voice.
  • Petulance – whine, bitch, and moan when any negative remark is made, even when they are quoting him.
  • Self-aggrandizing lies – this started with overstating the number of people who appeared at his inaugural and has gone downhill from there.  He has even gone so far as to calling himself the best president in history and talking about himself in the third party.  I suspect that he is mentally unstable.
  • Crooked business practices – no one can declare bankruptcy as many times as he has and be one the up and up.  No one can close so many businesses that he has lent his name and prestige to and walked away and still maintain any sense of integrity.  I often wonder how many of the small businesspeople who have lost their money investing in his businesses would endorse his business practices after he declared bankruptcy.

As you can see, I have not addressed his politics nor his public policies.  I do not have to consider this to know that he is a rotten, rotten human being and does not deserve to lead our country.  It is NOT about politics and it is totally about the person.  I have looked at the person and found him to be lacking – and reprehensible.

The only political point I have to make is in regards to the Republican leadership in unwillingness to separate themselves from him.  That should not happen.  I also have a problem with the Republican people who excuse his actions in order to further their political agenda – shame on them.  I cannot even go far enough to express my absolute disgust with the evangelical Christian movement who embrace him when he epitomizing everything they SUPPOSEDLY disagree with and condemn.