It is the Economy

I have to admit that I have been somewhat dismissive of the pro-Trump idiots who say they are supporting the idiot because the economy is doing so well. This is because I pay attention.

First of all, the economy was doing well, extremely well, before the Trump Administration and this economic run seems to be driven by an extension of what was already in place. As a retiree who depends on my IRA, I have been paying very close attention and this is my reality. And do not take my word for it. All you have to do is look at the numbers going back into the Obama Administration and see haw it turned around and how it has kept growing.

Secondly, the people I see saying this, both personally and on various interviews, spoil any semblance of this being the focal point of their support by opening their mouths and putting their foot directly down their throats. They then establish additional reasons for support for his-assholiness by verbally supporting some of Trump’s more vile, malicious policies and agendas.

Thus, their support of the economy as a support of Trump appears as a way to give a semblance on reasonableness to their support that would not be there if their bald-faced reasoning (based upon some level of hatred) were in the forefront.

So, I my initial intention was to post a short FaceBook post challenging these people to fess up. Basically, I was going to say that if it was the economy then it mean they voted for Obama, right? Otherwise, they were liars as well as Trump supporters. Which was to say – oxymoron!

Instead of doing this I started to think. Sure, there are a whole lot of people who are using the good economy as an excuse to hide behind their real reasons for supporting Trump. But what concerns me is that there are some people who will vote in 2020 who are surprisingly ignorant about what is going on with Trump and the world at large. I know it is hard to believe but I have seen them. They are:

  • Live in a social cocoon.
  • Ofttimes religious.
  • Conservative in nature.
  • Been convinced that Republicans are representative of their values.

Now, they do not pay much attention to what is going on in the “outside” world if it does not affect them directly. When you try to engage them in discussing how their values are not being represented, they physically or mentally walk away. They just do not want to hear it.

But they are not totally immune to the stuff that is going on, just a little more reluctant to pay attention. Quite frankly, they are also reluctant, like most to rethink their point of view as stated above, even when faced with reality. Something solid like a positive economy may be just enough of a justification for them not to hurt their brain enough to reconsider their support, despite all of the moral evidence to the contrary. These are not bad people; they are just unwilling to change and unwilling to admit they made a mistake. In other words human. The only problem is that they are supporting someone who, given a blank palette, they would find reprehensible.

I hope that the Democratic Party can find some way to take credit for some of the economic growth or diffuse his advantage without looking pathetic so as to get these good people to rethink their opinion. The assholes who are using the economy as an excuse are lost.