
I was watching a TV show about people fighting over an inheritance from a parent who was still alive. Included in this dustup was these siblings’ concern that their parent would spend all of her money before she died and have nothing to leave them. You know that just ticked me off immensely.

It may be because I never had any expectation of an inheritance of any kind. Yes, I received a few keepsakes and mementos from my parents; most of them long before they passed away. Some of them have some intrinsic value; most do not. The ones that have the least intrinsic value are the most priceless to me.

When my mother passed away my first question to my sister, with whom my mother lived with in her last years, was whether there was my there was enough money to cover my mothers debts as I could and would make sure my sister was not left hold the bag. That was the level of my inheritance. As it was I received nothing (nada, zilch, zero). Nor did I expect to. Nor did I need to. My parents gave me everything they could while they were alive. While often it was not much financially, they never held back in what they had both financially and morally.

When they could help, the did. They did not have much but they gave their children everything they had. Inheritance. Hell, who needed any money.

That is why I look at these stories with a strange outlook. I never had any form of greed for someone else’s money or possessions; and that is what squabbling over an inheritance is. Why should someone feel that they should get something that they did not earn? I do not know. I guess that because of not ever being in a situation where I could be in line for an inheritance makes me think that way but that is they way I feel. To me planning on an inheritance is like planning on winning the lottery. Hoping for found money that you truly are not entitled to.