I’M Not Stupid

I know, at the age of 70 I am lucky to have my faculties and that it could change in a heartbeat.However, it amuses me more than pisses me off when people try to explain to the “old fart” about them there modern computer thingies.

I know I have been retired for 8 years and haven’t contracted in about 4 years, I was developing leading edge technology that is superior to most everything these online systems have in place.

I had someone try to carefully explain Bluetooth and computer handshakes to me the other day and I just let it go.

There will be a day in the not to distant future when technology will pass me completely by but I will still bet that I will be so damned far ahead of the average person that they could not carry a reasonable conversation about computer technology with me. No brag, just fact based on 40+ years of experience.

So I want to tell all the younger people out there, I may old but I am not stupid.

Just in case someone thinks this about me and my computer skills it is not. It is how they treat old people as feeble minded and lacking in any ability. It is like some young person trying to show a retired accountant how to balance a checkbook. Heck, I just switch to Consumer Cellular and they have a “special” phone for seniors that looks like a toy from a preschooler’s toy box. They assume you are automatically stupid because you are old. Now it unfortunately does become true all too often because of dementia, Alzheimer’s, or age related issues but don’t just think an old person is stupid just because they are old. Take the time to find out first.