I knew he was strange

Yeah, yeah, we have all heard this before.  I knew he (or she) was strange.  Every darned time someone does something, someone will let you know that the had great insight to the behavior was just about to explode.  I call BS.  On two counts; either they are reinventing the past to look smarter (most likely and fat chance that) or they should have done something more than stood by.

More realistic is the person who says that the person always seemed to be normal and decent.  Why?  Because that is probably the truth.  Most people can put on a persona that seems relatively normal, even if a little strange.  No one finds anything to be worried or upset about.

So if you head “I knew he was strange” you can figure that they probably want to be in the middle of the story.  They want to attract attention to themselves.  Not add to the truth.

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