I Am Tired

I’m so sick and tired of trying to ignore the absolute mess that the current administration has become. I have tried to ignore so very long. I have tried to avoid commenting on it because it seems like I have been beating a dead horse, restating the same complaints repeatedly. While my complaints have been similar in fashion and content really has not been over the same exact issues. It seems like the current administration strives to daily come up with a new way of destroying the country I was hoping we had become.

I am not so naïve as to think that I dream of a country was the reality. I have always known that there was an underlying current of people and ideas that this piece of shit president represents. But I naïvely thought that the minority that he represents was becoming increasingly small, small enough that they no longer mattered in any national electoral process. Obviously I was wrong, as the 2016 national election so obviously proved. Yes, you can say that he did not represent the majority of America when he won the national election, and that the only reason he won was because of the electoral college. But keep in mind that the electoral college is a reality that is a factor in our general election and he won. And even if you wish to dismiss that, look at the numbers. He got one hell of a lot of the votes; far more than I ever hoped are still out there to represent that mean-spirited, narrow-minded, evil underbelly of the American public.

Now I know some of this support can be attributed to the obvious dislike of Hillary Clinton, some can be attributed to the misguided religious conservatism that has permeated politics in America in recent decades, and some of it can be simply people who always vote Republican regardless of who the candidate is. I’m not talking about this, not a great deal anyway. That started my concern but it was only a start.

What concerns me now is that more than two years into the process there is no question as to the character or the political agenda of this piece of shit. Yet he still has a modicum of support. Enough support that the Republican Party is not fielding opposition to his reelection. He is a filthy individual and yet he still is getting official support.

The number of indictments, prosecutions, and convictions that have already occurred against his appointees proves that his administration is, in all likelihood, the most corrupt and inept administration history. Yet the vast majority of the Republican Party and the vast majority of the Republican politicians in Congress openly and publicly continue to support him. The most obvious example of that is that he is only had to exercise his veto one time.

Yes, I know that this is nothing new for America.  We had had this kind of crap before.  The difference is that over the last half of a century, I had thought that we had a trend towards a better country than we had had before.  That we were inextricably becoming a better country. It was all smoke and mirrors. Right below the surface was same rotten, mean-spirited, selfish, and hateful people that were always there. I had no doubts that they were there, I was just saddened by their numbers.

When I see “Make America Great Again”, I see the underlying desire to return to what I consider some pretty bad, rotten, filthy days where people could mistreat their fellow man and hold their head up proudly as “Good Americans”.

Truthfully, instead of “Make America Great Again”, I would settle for “Make America Decent NOW!