Human Resources

There is a reason that Human Resources personnel can be held legally liable for their actions, up to and including criminal prosecution.  That is because Human Resources personnel can ruin peoples lives.

Human Resource personnel are supposed to be the watchdogs for the rights of the employee.  I have news for you, Skippy.  That is a load of Bull.  They work for the company.  They head of HR is generally a senior member of the management staff.  And they are supposed to look of for the employee?

On again, I will call foul.  My personal experience proves that to be false.  Incredibly false.  I have been in meetings where the CEO of the company admitted in front of witnesses, including the HR Director, that he was violating personnel laws.  What happened? Not a damned thing!  When I pointed this out, in the meeting, to both the CEO and the HR Director, nothing happened.  And that is a fact.  Why did I not do anything  I was too close to retirement to mess up my employment.  Should I have done something?  Maybe, but how could I have proven it when they were will to discuss violating the law.  Would they commit perjury if given the chance.  In a heartbeat.

That is why they are criminally libel but why there are not many of them charged.