Health Care

First off, let me state the obvious. America can afford health care. We already do in so many ways. No one is denied emergency care. The irony is that if the cost of unreimbursed emergency care were utilized in preventative and immediate care, we could improve the quality of life with no other expenditure.

I know that health care has become a political issue and it should not be, pure and simple.

  • Labeling it Obamacare to demonize the Affordable Care Act amongst the conservatives.
  • Calling Universal Health Care a form of socialism (a.k.a., Communism).
    • Changing Universal Health Care to Single Payer Health Care to make it more palatable.
  • Calling for Medicare for All.

All of these things have made for a political fight and it should not be.

America can take care of its people. America should take care of its people. Anything short of providing medical care for all is choosing who should live and who should die. It is as simple as that and it is not any clearer than that. No obfuscation changes that. No argument trumps that statement. If you do not provide medical care for all, people die.

Even when they do not die, even if an ill or injured person is able to get medical care beyond their ability to pay for it, they are burdened with financial ruin. The number one cause of personal bankruptcy is medical bills.

What does this have to do with religion? Why is this even in posted in this section?

This is not the first time I have posted about this issue, nor will it likely be the last but it occurred to me. Where are the churches and Christian community in this whole issue.

Based upon my understanding of what Christians should stand for, they should be on the forefront of the fight for Health Care for All, regardless of the name, regardless of the politics. Instead, because of the political bent of most of the churches and churchgoers, they are either silent or actively opposed to comprehensive health care for all. Often, they do so while raising funds for the medical bills of a congregant or medical supplies for some impoverished area somewhere else.

See. They know what is right. They know what they should be doing. But that just cannot help themselves. They are putting politics ahead of their moral values.

I could rail against the hypocrisy but it would fall on deaf ears in all likelihood. In this case, if you say “Judge not lest ye be Judged”, I have been in favor of Universal Health Care all of my life.

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