Gun Supporter Misdirection

Lately I have seen people bring up dangers of hammers, rocks, knives, what have you to justify owning assault weapons.

Stick to the point!

We are talking about GUNS, period. If we have a problem with hammers, rocks, or knives we will deal with them later.

If your only way to defend your dumbass stand is to bring up rocks when I talk about guns, you obviously have a flipping weak point. And you are flipping stupid if you think I will fall for that stupid misdirection. Hell, a third grader wouldn’t. In fact a third grader is at risk for her/his life for you ignorant unwillingness to come up with reasonable gun control.

When I really had a lengthy conversation with a gentleman the other day and I challenged him as to why he needed an assault weapon. When I proposed to him that there were BETTER alternatives to his final justification of self-defense, he quoted the last half of the 2nd Amendment.

More’s the pity. He had no damned reason to own an assault weapon. He proved it in our conversation. So he fell back on the NRAdical interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. They are too flipping stupid to read the complete text; that and if they did their argument would be seen for what it is: self-serving bullshit.

Take away the NRA’s non-profit status and force them to register as a lobby group for the gun manufacturers.