Greta Thunberg

Once again, this is not so much about the person as about the reaction to the person.

Most people are familiar with Greta. She is a young person who is challenging the people of the world to change their carbon footprint to “save her world”. The fact that many of her wishes and desires are totally unrealistic and not well thought out does not seem to be of any importance given the fact that she is adamant, loud, and cute.

The fact that people listen to her is also somewhat of a mystery. She has no great secrets as to how best solve a damned thing. Her solutions are to not do stuff. She really provides any solution except to quit doing things. The only real solution is to become vegan consumers. She does not even address the facts of the matter that in order for her world to exist, all of the world would have to change for the worse. Live expectancies would be reduced. People would die because of lack of access to the “modern” carbon-based solutions to growing and distribution that are necessary for the population. I assume that this would be fine with her as she expects to be one of the survivors.

A lot has been made that her obnoxious behavior can be forgiven because of her Asperger’s Syndrome and her passion. I have Asperger’s as well but I was raised to have manners. I have passions as well but I was raised to have respect for others. I was also raised to evaluation the total picture and when I see that it is a false plan, I will say so.

The fact that so many people are drawn to her is somewhat of a pity. I supposed that it is inevitable that someone with passion will attract followers. We have seen false prophets before. Usually it is harder to see there flaws than it is here.

Person of the year. I admit it was a bad year, but really I did not think it was that bad.