Goodbye Irritating Champion

Well, the reigning Jeopardy champion bit the dust tonight. I, for one, am not sorry at all. She was about as annoying and irritating as any champions that I have seen lately.


First of all, I absolutely abhor a fried voice. She may claim that it is natural and that she cannot avoid it. That may be true now but that is merely because of repeated practice on her part. It is not only irritating to me, it bespeaks of stupidity. Now I know that here success at Jeopardy proves that she is not stupid. However, as soon as she opens her mouth and fries her voice you couldn’t prove it by me. She was old enough that she no longer had an excuse for this childish affectation.

Secondly, he incessant click-click-click on her signal button. It drives me bonkers when I see it. Not because it affects the game at hand. After all, as soon as a signal is registered in the game all of the other signal buttons are locked out – including her multiple unnecessary click-click-clicks. So why am I so irritated by seeing it. It is because it represents the character of the contestant. In the home Jeopardy game, or similar games where you signal in, this incessant action is nothing more than an attempt to swamp your competition. In my opinion, it is a not-so-subtle attempt to steal the question by jumping on your competition’s attempt to respond . I know she, and other similar practitioners who make it to the show, are intelligent. But intelligence does not instill them with a sense of fair play.

So goodbye and I hope I do not see you on a championship tournament. I hope you just miss it. I know that is mean of me, but tough.