Global Warming

Yep. The climate seems to be trending towards higher temperatures, especially in the Northern Hemisphere.

Call it Climate Change, call it Global Warming and I will kind of buy it. But I haven’t bought the farm yet. Here’s why:

  • It wasn’t that long ago these same damned scientists were railing about a nuclear winter. when that theory fell through, they went the opposite way and called it Global Warming.
  • Yes, the climate is changing in our lifetime. And it is changing in the lifetimes of our grandparents and so on. So what! Science says we were at the end of a mini-ice age up until the mid-1850’s . This is about the time we started keeping modern climate records, so any ”trends” automatically are suspect.
  • There is a lot of credence given to the ozone level. What was it a hundred years ago? I do not know, but neither do these so called specialists.
  • While I agree pollution, deforestation, and overpopulation will contribute to quality of air, water, and possibly temperature no one has proven it has impacted it any level of Global Warming any more than campfires impacted the start or end of any of the ancient ice ages.

Having said all this, it does give theoretical climate scientists, meteorologists, and environmentalists something to keep themselves busy with. plus, it does make the air better to breath and the water taste better.

As for affecting the climate – EHH!