Getting Peace of Mind

I recently hit a point on Facebook whereby I had something of a meltdown. The person that I took it out on was not the most egregious conservative commenter to my posts or comments. He just happened to be the straw that broke the camel’s back.

He was railing about something concerning Biden and how he was handling something. I honestly cannot remember the specifics. If memory serves me, he might have had a point. But I had had it. It was one too many times.

I told him, and anyone else reading the post, that I was not going to engage in a conversation about any politics with any Republican/Conservative as long as they, individually or as an organization, continued to support Donald Trump. That they could not have their cake and eat it too. If they wanted to engage in political dialogue with me, they had to clean up their own house first. I would continue to discuss any other issue with him, or any other Republican or Conservative, but would no longer discuss anything regarding politics as they had to earn the right to discuss it with humans again.

His remark was that Donald Trump wasn’t favorite President either so what was the problem. I said that he obvious still voted for him – twice. Furthermore, Trump is a lying misogynistic, xenophobic, racist who should be tried for treason for his part in fomenting the insurrection on January 6, 2021. And the Republican Party had not disavowed him or his actions, believe he won the 2020 election when he clearly did not, attend his rallies in the thousands, contribute to his campaign chest, and candidates vie for his endorsement with people voting based upon them.

In short, he owns them. And not in a good way. He is a rotten filthy person.

He said I just had a Bad Hate for Trump. Probably True. But it is not politically motivated, at least not for the most part. Really it is not. I do not know one hell of a lot about his politics; nor do I care. As an individual he is reprehensible, and I rue the day he became president. Worse yet, I shudder to think that there are so many like-minded individuals alive in America.

So, like it or not, if a Republican or Conservative who has not disavowed their allegiance to the petty demigod makes a comment on any of my postings, I will tell them to take their comments elsewhere. Who knows; I might even be polite.

The funniest thing is, since making this decision not to interact with the Trump Army of Fools, I have some peace of mind. I no longer feel obligated to talk sense into them. Obviously, it has not worked for six years. Why should it now?