Getting Along

There are movements to get liberals and conservatives to communicate civilly again.

Funny thing; throughout my life, even though I argued wholeheartedly with conservatives in the past, I respected them and there was always civility on all our parts. I never had a problem respecting the opinion of others if that opinion was founded on fact and was just a different view of those facts. I am not saying I would agree with them. Quite the contrary, but I would end the conversation or argument still respecting the other person and remain friends with them.

Things have definitely changed with the Tea Party movement and their passing acquaintance with the truth. They lie. They even have “news” services that lie for them so that they can use them for their source of reference, even though there is no foundation for the claims they are making.

Tell you what: I promise not to state any “fact” that is not documented by impartial source and the other side does the same. I am betting that if both sides would do this civility would start reoccurring, except for the most radical people on both sides.

Personally, I can deal with differences of opinion, I just cannot deal with the damned lies.

We are not a country run by Joseph Goebbels.