Fried Voice Analyzed

Yes, I know.  I cannot seem to leave this subject.  It is just that I cannot wrap my mind around people purposely gravelling their voices.  To my mind and hearing, it is both obnoxious and grating.  This may be due in part to my hearing issues but I also think it is mostly my sensibilities.

To purposely make your voice gravely must have an objective, if it is purposeful.  As it is most often practiced by women and younger girls, I have wondered if it has a sexual or anti-sexual backstory.

But then I started to think.  Maybe it is not an affectation as I have been espousing all along.  Here are my thoughts on the matter.

fried voices are natural

Females are genetically predisposed to have fried voices.  Now sometimes it does cross over to males but it is dominant in the female.  Until the recent generation, social norms have caused the female populous to affect the vocal characteristics of the socially dominant male.  As we have been maturing socially and women are now becoming closer to equal in society (I do not want to get into the argument about how far is needed to accomplish true equality in this document – that is for another post) women have had more freedom, consciously or subconsciously, to relax the false social constraints and can now speak as nature intended them to speak, fried voice and all.

This would explain why those people most prone to speak with fried-like voice in the past have been those who would be called social outcast, as they would not be prone to worry about social norms and could speak as they were intended to by nature.  I speak of chronic alcoholic and heavy smokers who speak with the so-called whiskey voice or smoker’s voice.

fried voices are caused by vaccines

This may be the cause.  After all there is every pseudo-scientist on the planet that will attest to the fact that vaccines will cause autism.  Admittedly, they have little or no proof, but what the hell, that doesn’t mean they aren’t right now does it.

Let us take the next step on the unreal merry-go-round and attribute the fried voices to being associated to vaccines.

But then why mostly girls and women do you ask?  Hmmm!  Oh, I have it.  The vaccines must combine with estrogen and affect the vocal chords when the are developing – thus, fried voices!  By George, I think we have it.

Wait, wait, wait!  You claim that we have been vaccining children for several generations now and the fried voice situation is relatively new.  I have it, I have it!  Thimerosal!  That nasty ol’ preservative that they have taken out of vaccines because it was so, so bad must have protected against the fried voice.  After removing Thimerosal from the vaccines – fried voices.


So the fried voice may not be the “fault” of the practitioner.  Maybe they cannot help it.  If that is the case, instead of being irritated by them; instead we should just pity them.