FOX News

If you depend on FOX News for ANY political news means that you are unwilling or unable to discern the truth, period. The only sumilarites to FOX are the official press offices of the Russian Government.

Both are illogical, both foment an agenda that is false, both are in support of strongmen who’s power perpetuate a specific agenda of hatred, and (this is most important) both are full of bullshit and lies.

In any other country, FOX News would either be the “official” news arm of a corrupt government or be banned because of its obvious attempt to spread both lies and anti-government rhetoric. Only in America would we accept a news agency with so little gravitas, honesty, or factual proof for their stories to exist.

I take some of that back; Al Jazeera and Pravda come to mind. The difference is that these are state-controlled news sources of false propaganda.

I would like to ban the assholes based upon their lies, and their lies only. But this is America. That means that liars, racists, xenophobics, and misogynists have their rights.

Hell, they banded enough of those assholes to elect one of their own president. More’s the pity. More is the reason that crap like FOX News is dangerous.

Don’t believe me? A recent study found that people who do not watch news at all are better informed than those who watch FOX News exclusively. Go figure – I have.