Focused Perception

I was once again reminded of how a personal focus can create a perception that is just a little bit outside of reality. As you can guess, the person I am referring too strayed from reality to the point of piercing the concept totally. The best that can be said about this is that he was honest, sincere, well-meaning, and was saying it without any perceived nefarious agenda. He is an intelligent, educated man so he does not have the excuse of ignorance nor lack of knowledge to defend himself because the subject matter he touched on was close to his chosen vocation. I will explain:

To set the scene. I was attending Church this past Sunday. The Assistant Pastor was going to preach the sermon. However, because Thursday is Independence Day, the Pastor wanted to address the congregation before the regular sermon.

He told an old chestnut of a parable regarding how it was OK for an American to criticize its leadership and not so OK for peoples of other countries. He used this as a segue to making the statement that, as we approached our Independence Day, it was relevant to remember how great out country was as it was like a good Christian country should act. By that, he explained, people were free to worship or not worship as they chose to without risk of persecution or rancor or hostility. For him, that was what made this country so great and why it was so important to remember that as good Christians on our Independence Day.

Nice words. Nice sentiment. Too bad it does not have any bearing with fact.

First of all even though the founders of this country were predominately Christians, that was not entirely totally the case. Second, the reason that Freedom of Religion was in the United States Constitution was that they did not any religion, Christian or otherwise, to be the official state religion. Anyone who reads the diaries of the founding fathers knows that they were adamant on that. That is why it was Amendment Numero Uno, with a bullet!

But that did not stop persecution, now did it? How many Churches, Mosques, and Synagogues been attacked because they were the “wrong” religion in America, with quasi-official sanction. How many people have been killed in the name of religious zeal. Need an example? How about the killing of Mormons in Missouri, or the non-Mormans by Mormans in the Mountain Meadow Massacre. Good Christians all.

And I have been a good boy (until now) and not talked about the pre-United States Christian murder and mayhem by such things a the Crusades, the various Inquisition. the “cleansings” of non-Christians throughout the world.

Yes, the minister was well-meaning. His heart was in the right place. His mind was not engaged too well. I know what he meant. Too bad his analogies were so poor.