Fight for things that really matter

To those people who get all hot and bothered about titles that end in “man” — get a life! Really, get a life! Fight for something that matters.
Change to “woman” — meaning: from man — that works?
Change it to “person” — meaning: of the son — that works?
Try “perit” — that is ridiculous, but is it any more ridiculous than what you are doing.
Point one: the urban legend that Chevy Nova’s didn’t sell in Spanish speaking countries because the TWO words No Va means doesn’t go. Totally untrue. Spanish speakers are not the flipping stupid. The know the difference between one word and two words.
Point two: some of this is reminiscent of Rastafarian beliefs where they try to replace pieces of words that sound negative with positive sounds (e.g., dedicate becomes livicate). Fine and dandy and no offense but it becomes another language.
Yes, I agree that old words, such as chairman or tradesman, were created with a male gender bias when created. However, if the Chairman of the Board is Female (or Binary or any other new classification), that person is still in flipping charge and gender identification of the title doesn’t have a thing to do with it.
In fact, I say again: fight for some that matters.