Fed Up

I am more than a little fed up by some stuff I have seen.

By the reaction and comments to my posts and comments on Facebook I get the impression that I am perceived as a stubborn, bullheaded person who does not listen to anyone else’s opinion and will shoot down other people’s opinions.

Well I want to say this one time, and one time only. That is not true and anyone who knows me, really knows me, knows that is not true. I am stubborn and bull-headed but I do listen and I do change my mind based upon what you say and what I learn. If you post emotion, I will diss it; that is a given, especially if I disagree with the nexus of that emotion.

The problem is that I do not let your emotion and passion take the place of facts. Bring the facts, baby. If you want to change my mind, don’t try to appeal to my emotions; appeal to my reality with facts. That works a whole lot better.

You can ignore me. You can unfriend me as some have done. It does not change anything. I will tell you what I think. I am willing to discuss it, often passionately. I will never disrespect you until you disrespect me, lie, or get emotional instead of factual. And, once again, if you bring your A game, you can win me over.

Oh, and do not ever take what I am posting as an excuse to go off on a tangent to promote an issue that is beyond the scope of what I am posting. Pay attention to what I am posting. I post what I post for a reason; not as a platform for you to go off on your own agenda. If you want to do that, post your own damned posting.