
I have been debating writing about this topic for some time as it seems that everyone has made it a hot button item. However, I cannot let it go. It is just too damned important and if just one person can get it through their thick head to wear a facemask maybe it is worth it. I doubt that they will simply because 1) they will not read an article like this and 2) if they were reasonable people they would already be wearing facemasks. It seems to be worth the effort anyway.

Not that long ago, my wife was at a dialysis center on a regular basis. One of the other people that went there wore a facemask when she went there. I thought it ridiculous because she was foolish enough to believe that it protected her from disease or infection. Now we are not talking about N95 facemasks here but an ordinary paper facemask. It does not protect the wearer from a damned thing. Oh, maybe from some dust particles and such but nothing more than that. Certainly not from any disease and infection. On the same vein, I have always wondered about the people who wear facemasks in areas where there is a lot of air pollution. I would suspect that, like virus protection, the only safeguard it provides is psychological.

Now we come to the Covid-19 situation. This is an all-together different situation. Facemasks are not to protect the person wearing it, they are to protect those we encounter. I am sure that this issue has been made imminently clear to everyone but I am also certain that this message is lost on a great many people. Let me reiterate: wearing a facemask it to protect those you are in contact with, not yourself!

Thus when you do not wear a facemask you are purposely putting other people in jeopardy. Oh, yeh you say you are not sick. Right! But you might not be sick right now. You might be asymptomatic. You might be a carrier. You might have been in contact with some other damned fool who did not wear a facemask and passed it on to you. Covid-19 is passed from person to person. It would go away in 2 to 4 weeks, and not the months and months we have already experienced, if everyone wore facemasks; practiced social distancing to avoid personal contact, and sheltered in place when possible to avoid additional unnecessary contact.

Think about that. All the businesses who are going under could reopen. All of the people who are out of work could be back to work. The world would return to a semblance of normal. All we have to do is wear a stinking facemask.

But no! That is not to be. Why? Because some stupid damned fools think it about personal freedom. It is not. Where is there written anyplace that freedom includes the right to infect others when it is possible to avoid it, especially when all it takes is a lousy facemask. Hell, I believe in freedom and civil rights more than most of these “personal freedom” fools ever will and I am willing to put that to the test anytime they want to. Given that, I do not see anything wrong with the fact that they incarcerated Typhoid Mary when she refused to quit working in food service.

It is not that these fools and assholes have not been told about the consequences of their selfish actions. They have, again and again. Yet they still go about their way screaming about “personal freedom” with the acquiescence of our so-called president. But I will tell you what I would do if I could in an ideal world and I mean it. This is not rhetoric and this is not exaggeration.

If they could track down a Covid-19 patients contact to a source that was not wearing a facemask, I would charge them with murder. And if I were the prosecutor I would try to make sure I stacked the jury with relatives of people who died of Covid-19.

On top of that, if I could prove that a person who contracted Covid-19 did so by reckless action (specifically in large crowds without social distancing and not wearing a facemask) I would invalidate his/her health insurance and stick them with the bill for their care.

Harsh? Hell yes. Viable? No. But let’s face it. These people who are failing to wear facemasks are not practicing personal freedom; they are killing people right and left and they should be stopped.