Explaining Black Lives Matter – Again

It seems that it is necessary to explain Black Lives Matter one more time. Some people just do not get it. Some people probably will never get it. Mores the pity.

Black Lives Matter is a movement whereby people are saying that Black Lives Matter every bit as much as everyone else’s. Not more, not special, not superior, just as much as everyone else’s. If you ask what that is an important issue you have not been paying any damned attention at all. They are killing unarmed individuals who’s only “crime” seems to be that they are Black. Some holding cell phones, some holding Subway sandwiches, some admittedly mouthing off, but not one damned one of them pulling down on a cop, not one of them attacking a cop or another person. We see videos of Blacks being choked to death. We see people dying when all that was needed was an asshole to get up off his or her neck. We see people needing an ambulance or medical assistance and got nothing. What did all of these people have in common. They were Black. I am 100% certain that, given the video evidence, these cops would face jail time if the recipients of this misconduct were White. (BTW: I am White).

These people wanting to extol Black Lives Matter are just asking to be treated the same – and – when they are not the people, police included, are held accountable for the resultant crimes.

This movement has lead to spin-offs.

  • One is Blue Lives Matter which is support for the police. The ironic result in that is that in many states laws have been put in place to make it a special crime to injure or kill a police officer, even if it has nothing to do with their official duty. Go figure. Isn’t it somewhat ironic that the Blue Lives Matter gets acted on so well.
  • In relationship to this, I have seen police showing signs that say “My Life Matters”. No Shit. No one ever argued with you on this. Just because the Black Lives Matter movement is wanting to hold you accountable for your actions does not mean that society does not think you matter. They DO want you to act like a decent human being.
  • Then the All Lives Matter movement has arisen. I have nothing much to say about this because after all, I agree with it. That is not a problem. But there is still a need to focus on the mistreatment of a segment of society that is represented by the Black Lives Matter Movement.
  • And of course, we could not have done without a White Lives Matter movement. It has been identified as a White Supremist hate group. After all, skinheads and Aryan Nation people need representation too – NOT.
  • I have even seen a Deplorable Lives Matter T-Shirt on an old heavy-set woman. Best to leave my comments on this to myself.

So in summary, Black Lives Matter is a movement to try to get even-handed treatment of Blacks by the police. That is it, pure and simple. Keep in mind that this is not solely an American movement. It is growing throughout the world..

Having explained it again, I worry that the old adage that “I can explain it to you but I cannot understand it for you” is in play once again.