Explaining a Sarcastic Thank You

During the 2016 primaries, when it became obvious that Bernie Sanders was not going to win the nomination, I had a family member post on Facebook that he was fed up with the election process was probably would never vote again, at least for the prevalent parties. I posted a “Thank You” to him. I admit that when challenged, I was a little obtuse in my remarks. This was primarily so that I did not alienate other family members who would feel duty-bound to jump to his defense.

He did not need to be defended any more than I did. But, I did not say then what I am saying now. I decided that this is my blog and I can say what I want. No one really reads it and if the do, they can comment as they wish. But it is my blog.

The reason I thanked him was rather simple. He represented the problem with the election process as seen by many people. They do not care about what it means to the country, state, county, city, or whatever. They only see what is in front of them based upon their narrow vision of the world. Before anyone jumps on it, I admit my world vision is probably just as narrow, but continue to read. Sadly, these people cannot get their way they abandon the whole process; something akin to taking their ball and going home. Quite frankly, the more people that feel that way who choose NOT to participate in the election process, the better. Leave the selection of our leaders to adults with grownup attitudes.

Obviously that did not work in the case of the last election. Selfish people knowingly supported an extremely flawed individual rather than put the country first. And they do not even know the ramifications of their actions or even seem to care. Take some examples:

  • The person described above continually posted vicious unfounded garbage about the Hillary Clinton (to the point that after challenging him about the facts repeatedly, I unfriended him). This included the expressed plan to either not vote or vote for a 3rd party candidate. His justification was that he lived in a Democratic “safe” state so what he did would not affect the outcome. Not for one moment did he give a thought to the fact that he was disseminating the lies and attitude to yahoos that did live in states where it DID matter.
  • Protesters marching against the election of Donald Trump becoming violent, thus feeding the Trump supporters attitude. Worse part of this: they were found, in the most part, to have not even voted.
  • People supporting Trump and then getting their friends and spouses deported because he does as promised. They are dumbfounded.
  • People who are against any form of mandated health care, but have no health care themselves nor the wherewithal to pay for it. Oh, and they do not believe in government support until the need it.
  • Farmers against welfare who need government subsidies to maintain the way of life.

I could go on obviously. But what I am showing is selfish people who do not care what their actions do to others. Hell, they do not care what their actions do to themselves at times. If these kind of people choose not to elect the people who make the laws we might, just might, have a better chance of selecting people of substance rather than “sound bite” gurus. So if they want to quit voting, I say again: