Eve of Election 2022

On the eve of yet another election, I ponder the last 50 years of my voting life (yes we didn’t get to vote until 21).

I have never missed a single vote, except a mayoral runoff between Quinton Kopp and George Moscone. I was late for work and my justification was they were both so damned good that I didn’t care who won.

I have always thought my vote counted and made a difference, even when because of the electoral college, the people’s vote was dismissed in two different elections in a short sixteen year span.

I have always thought that a free, open election system was what differentiates us from other countries (electoral college aside). That we were protected from anarchy, dictators, demigods, and government takeovers.

In the last couple of years, that belief has been somewhat dispelled. We have seen a cult leader overcome and overwhelm the most stable democracy that has ever existed.
I could spend a great deal of time discussing and detailing this person’s disgusting anti-American anti-democracy actions but those have been so often stated that, if you are not convinced by now, it is falling on deaf ears.
But, just like Hitler, just like Mussolini, and just like every megalomaniac that has come before; his power and his danger is not himself.

Not in the least. If he had not been able to convince a significant group of followers that he is the solution to their problems, the asshole and his ideas would dry up and blow away.

What is most interesting to me are that:

1) he has attracted a following of people he would not associate with in any way, shape or form. They, and their lifestyles, are so far “beneath” him as he would dismiss them as peasants, rednecks, and/or trash.

2) his followers are made up predominantly of people of the lower end of the educational and social-economic scale. Keep in mind this is the commonplace with cult leaders; they attract the weak, uneducated, and disenfranchised.

3) he cannot accept that the vast majority of Americans despise him and that only the electoral college gives him any chance of being elected.

4) he has become so attractive to such a large percentage of his political party, most reasonable politicians in the party have become afraid to tell the truth about him and/or voice their own opinions. This is to the extent that they may end up destroying their party.

I say this prior to the election results on purpose. Why? Because, even if we, the people, are able to beat back the tide of crap he has spread, it matters not. If his minions win, it is even worse.

We must build a real solution to defeating this rotten POS in 2024 or America may be lost.

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