Equality on the cheap

I have railed against those who have used artificial claims of equality to get a preferential advantage; specifically in recent times the bastardization of the intent of Title IX and even more recently the Women’s National Soccer Teams claim for equal pay with the Men’s team even though they do NOT produce the revenue to support their desire for equality; despite their higher success in the world’s venues.

We can argue that any time you wish! Obviously, you will win in your mind as logic is being overridden by emotion. Just like politics; facts are subject to interpretation hen you want something to be true, regardless of the facts — hell, you chose your facts and ignore the bigger ones.

But here is your problem if you continue to support ”equality” that is not equal. You are going to alienate those supporters who are getting kicked in the teeth because of your biased version of the truth.

Do you think everyone is dumb? Do you think everyone is stupid? The premise, and underlying fact, of affirmative action is discrimination! Not the discrimination of the past: HELL NO! It is discriminating against White Males BECAUSE of past discrimination.

I know this for a fact! I experienced this my whole f**king working career. I was better and more qualified than many who got the jobs i tried for. Why do you think I stayed where I did when I could have/should have done better.

But even though I never discriminated against any one; I kept my mouth shut, I paid the penalty that was not mine to pay.

I am not saying the fight for equality has been won: far from it. However, if these selfish individuals, and their supporters, do not understand that equality is EARNED I will be their opponent and have little use for them or their callousness.