
Some people have, justifiably, been questioning some of my posts (here and on FB) regarding my opinions regarding equality. In particular as it relates to Title IX and Affirmative Action.

I get it. Anyone who champions equality has become so enamored and so entrenched in support of these principles that we think that it is an either/or issue.

Well, that is a problem when you listen/read what I have to say. Sadly, I have discovered that I have been labeled a sexist or a racist far too often, when neither is the case.

I have championed equality from my earliest experiences on this Earth. From the little Black kid who sat beside me in the front of the bus in Klamath, CA out of fear, to the travesty of the best athlete in my High School not even getting a school letter (let alone a scholarship) because she was a female, to my roommate getting dissed in Liberal San Francisco in 1970 for God’s sake because he was Black. I have always got it.

I understood the reason for Title IX. I understood the reasons for Affirmative Action. This despite the negative affect on me personally. In case you are a little slow on the switch, such things as Affirmative Action are discrimination by their very nature. The discriminate against white males for wrongs committed in the past that they personally had nothing (repeat NOTHING) to do with.

And given the length of time these laws have been in effect, white males will have paid and be paying that price their whole working career. This is a fact: argue all you want but it does not change the facts.

It cost me personally a lot in my life and my career and I was willing to do so because, despite the fact that I had done nothing wrong, it needed to be fixed.

But the reason I am pointing out issues now are multi-faceted and very, very troubling:

  • There seems to be no end to these preferential laws. What is the end-goal? When will we achieve those goals? What is success? No one knows! Thus we go along our merry way doing the same crap and not knowing if we are accomplishing our goals or even caring if we do. Can anyone, repeat anyone, give me an answer?
  • We are using these laws to further divide people. After over 1/2 a CENTURY there is a definite level of anger from those people that are poor and disenfranchised that do not fall into the categories that get preferential treatment. Why do you think we have the Radical Red Hats?
  • When people using AA or Title IX actually achieve a form of equality, they are not satisfied and want more. Thus they continually manipulate their interpretation of equality to favor themselves. Sadly, they are able to sell this to a large part of the populace because no one wants to fail in their PC agenda.
    • Example is Title IX which was supposed to give women equal opportunity to sports (I agree). That was expanded to same number of Teams. Not good enough – same number of athletes. Not good enough – same amount of money. Yippee! Despite no revenue spend as much on women’s sports. Despite no sports, make up new ones. Not enough women’s sports, cut men’s sports. Hooray, a brand new day – now we a placing
  • Sadly, while there have been great inroads to former points of poverty based upon discrimination and education, these same areas still exist and mostly in the same populations. All of this work over 1/2 of a century, while definitely changing the landscape of America (despite the naysayers) racially and culturally, the same disenfranchised groups are still with us: Poor Black, Poor Hispanic, Poor White, Poor Asian, Poor …. Your get the picture?

So you can, and will, say I am anti-equality. That is your right, just as it is everyone’s right to be uninformed and narrow minded.

You see, I have come to the conclusion that most people have an “all or nothing” attitude in regards to their pet positions. I look at the big picture and try to solve the whole problem. That made me good at what I did. That also made me considered to be a pain in the ass. Problem was: I was right.

You keep on your focused attitude on Title IX and Affirmative Action without looking at the real issues and without trying to fix the problems that are out there; you are inviting big ass problems.

I could give you some suggestions but you will not listen to me because I am an asshole and you do not think there is a problem.

In case you are wondering, I have never ever been happy by being right when things go to Hell in a Handbasket. I am not happy now.