Dumb thought

I know that my opinions are strong. I know that they are oft-times controversial. Jell, I know that people, even family members, think these are the opinions of a stubborn, bullheaded person who will not listen to anyone else’s opinion, let alone reason. The ironic thing is, save a few people in my world, I believe most people generally consider me thoughtful and reasonable. That is if they are willing to THINK about what I say, listen to my complete message, and ENGAGE me in conversation without making me an adversary before the first word is expressed.

Hell, a lot of it is truly my ”fault”, inasmuch as my presentation of issues seems to be adversarial. Some of that is my nature; some of that is to kick my listener in the ass and make them pay attention. Regardless, most seem to dismiss me as a big mouth egocentric curmudgeon. Obviously, I do not see myself the same way.

At the same time, I do not think I have the secrets of the Universe or that I see things that others do not (although I admit I think this from time to time). Where I think I differ is the way I differed in my work life: I tell it like it is. If I am wrong, just like in my work life, the results can be fatal or near-fatal for one’s reputation.

The fact that in my work life I thrived on the edge of the knife for decades, and my opinions today are only challenged by people who are 1) unwilling to discuss facts, or 2) too lazy or stupid to read/understand my whole statement seems to support my egotistic belief that I still have something to say.

But the oddest thing occurred to me. What I am saying here is not written isn stone in perpetuity. As soon as I quit paying for the hosting services, as soon as I quit paying for the domain name; my pontifications, my thoughts, my ideas; will disappear into the wind as if I never existed.

Pisses off my ego, but other than a damned few family members; who gives a crap. Maybe it is for the best.

FYI: that doesn’t mean I will stop posting mt comments as long as I can; maybe, just maybe it means something.