Dreams of their Antebellum Past

I watch those jackasses prancing around touting White Power and racist remarks all of the time. Sadly they are being supported by at least a lack of condemnation by the White House.

Whether they wear their Klan robes or just shave their heads or just want to Make America Great Again they all have the same implied wish. They want to return to what they dream that their antebellum past was.

The problem is that it is not the truth. With rare exception, these people (and I use the term very loosely) are descendants of the same type of people they are: crackers, rednecks, and peckerheads. When I use these terms, I am not using them in the modern-day version that has been embraced by some as an almost endearing quality but using their older definition that defined them as what they are; ignorant, stupid, and uneducated. In essence, the bottom of the barrel.

Look back at slavery. You will notice that most people in the south did not own slaves for a very practical reason; they were too poor to own one. Not that they objected to slavery, sad to say, but they were subsistence farmers with little or no chance of obtaining any wealth. Even using basic statistics, you can see that the majority of these jackasses are their descendants. On a practical basis, the educated members of the south were more likely to educate their children which means their descendants were and are more likely to grow with the times and in the 21st century have left their ignorance behind and not harbor the racist attitudes of their ancestors. After all, education helps cure ignorance and stupidity. It does not solve it, but it helps.

So in short; the racists of today are the descendants of the White Trash of yesteryear. I guess that it is no surprise that so damned many of them are still White Trash.