
In case anyone is interested: I do not think that Little Boots is stupid.  Crazy, yes; stupid, no.  If he were stupid, he could be dealt with to a degree.

For example, W was stupid.  His stupidity was based upon his religious fervor and personal religious bent.  This sadly kept him from critically looking at issues correctly primarily because of his pre-established biases.  It also allowed nefarious people, can you say Dick Cheney, manipulate him because they knew his bias and pressed forward with their evil intent.

But that is not Little Boots’ problem.  He is just crazy.  He is not stupid.  He is crazy.  Certifiably.  At the very least he is suffering from megalomania.  Sadly, that is the least dangerous of his problems.  Other possible mental illnesses that he may suffer from may actually be worth.

So to call him stupid is to give him short shrift.  He is mentally ill and the Republican Party is taking advantage of it for their own agenda.  This is not the first time.  It happened with Ronald Reagan.  The difference this time is that they are letting a mentally ill person run amok.