Christian Church Hypocrisy – Yet Again

Every year around Christmas time I am inundated by Christian Church people railing about the downfall of America because of the political correct approach to Christmas. In particular, the use of “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”. Supposedly, it is a mandate to change this so that non-Christians are not let out of the holiday season. In reality, that is not the case at all. Generally speaking, it is a marketing move by businesses to embrace the reality that not all potential customers are Christians and they want to appeal to as many people as possible; specifically the Jewish customers as Hanukkah occurs during the same time period. In fact, it seems the “Happy Holidays” branding occurs in those areas where there is a large group of non-Christian customers. Go figure.

There is no government mandate despite these conspiracy theorists. It is not a downfall of America. And, in case they have forgotten again, America is supposed to insure religious freedom despite what they want.

But that is not the hypocrisy. While they are railing against rebranding the Christmas season many, many Churches have absolutely no problem at all renaming Halloween as the “Fall Harvest Festival” or some such moniker. Why? Because they give Halloween a negative connotation to Christianity. After all it has pre-Christian roots that harken to paganism. Right? Yeh, maybe. But what about the Day of the Dead that is celebrated by some cultures that is related to our Halloween?

But that does not really matter to me. It is the hypocrisy of the who darned thing. On the one hand, they rue the lack of use of the word Christmas during a holiday season that CAN and does represent multiple celebrations for multiple cultures and do not even flinch at doing the same thing themselves.

But then, why should anyone be surprised. It almost seems like churchgoers have to have a little hypocrisy in their soles.