
I had an epiphany (a.k.a., Brain Fart) Retired at 70, I look back at the significant negative affects that affirmative action had on my education and career. There is absolutely no argument that I was affected; quite often...

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Nearly every time someone brings up cooking with veal in a public setting, you will get all kinds of grief. In fact, you will rarely see it featured on a menu in a restaurant. And it is darned near impossible to find in a...

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I am sick and tired or these people saying they are giving 110%. Hell, I even heard a person who said, and I will quote, “I was in the military and I am used to giving 125%”. I have only one thing to say to him. ...

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On Rush Limbaugh

Recently Rush Limbaugh passed away. I had prepared a rather lengthy posting about him but did not post it because of his cancer and ultimate passing. However, I will not let his passing abrogate my opinion of him nor let his...

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Fight Real Fights

Let us start with some facts: Women get paid than men for the same or comparable jobs.Minorities get paid less than whites for the same or comparable jobs.Women and minorities are passed over for hiring and promotions in favor...

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Gloves Off

In the past, when I had an issue with another person, I did not name that person in any of me Facebook postings or in postings here. I thought it was possibly a little unfair as, generally speaking, they had unfriended me or, in...

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St. Bernard

When are we finally going to get shed of Bernie Sanders? Really. This has gone on far too long. Just like Donald Trump; Popped up on the radar in 2016.Has a great deal of open or covert support from Russia. Oh, I know...

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Fed Up

I am more than a little fed up by some stuff I have seen. By the reaction and comments to my posts and comments on Facebook I get the impression that I am perceived as a stubborn, bullheaded person who does not listen to...

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A couple of days ago, I said to myself: “Self, I bet that the Liberal Democrats and the Liberal Unaffiliated will cry foul because there is a chance that the $15/hour minimum wage will not pass in the $1.9 Trillion...

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