We Made Nixon

The making of Little Boots into a President has caused me to become very introspective.  I mean I have spent a lot of time reflecting on the whys and wherefores that allowed that POS to become President. Most everyone case list...

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Trump As A Nazi

re-post from retired page Rethinking the Analogy A recent re-post of mine on Facebook talked, prior to the election, about Trump being a Nazi.  I still believe that but now the difference from then and now is that I used to...

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How We Got Here

Re-post from retired page I know that I have been chastised for calling Trump a Nazi.  Despite his inability, so far, to implement his totalitarian, fascist, beliefs and policies does not mean that I am wrong.  Quite the...

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On Bernie Sanders

RE-POSTED FROM RETIRED PAGE To get this out of the way first and foremost.  As I write this in early 2018, there are perceived to be two candidates for the Democratic Party’s election for 2020.  They are Bernie Sanders and...

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