I have recently spent more time on freeways between cities than has been my practice for some time and I have discovered a new trend. There are a whole bunch of drivers who get in the middle lane, set their speed control to...
Category - Observation
During the 2016 primaries, when it became obvious that Bernie Sanders was not going to win the nomination, I had a family member post on Facebook that he was fed up with the election process was probably would never vote again...
Once again, I am seeing the controversy arise about vaccination exemptions. I was watching the news and seeing a young mother deciding to NOT vaccinate her child because an older child had a mild rash from a previous...
Despite what many may glean from these postings, I am generally pretty naïve and forgiving in my dealings with others. I almost always see the good in people long before I see the bad. In a strange way, this serves me in a...
I, like many other like-minded people, have been railing against the obvious insanity and meanness of Little Boots. I cannot imagine how people are still supporting this man when he is obviously without his faculties. And I...
I have always been very critical of the so-called Chicken Hawks. Not to be confused with homosexual predators of young males, I am referring to that pantheon of draft evaders, generally from the Vietnam War era, who are so...
I do not know if you have heard of “Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)”. It is a law that was passed in 1990 to, as stated, protect Native American Graves and Artifacts. It was a long...
I haven’t been posting much lately. I would like to say it was because I was too busy but that would be a lie. I have been lazy. The funny thing is that having this site is a cathartic thing unto itself. I have little...
So much has said about the wall the Little Boots is trying to force down our throat that I have really did not want to talk very much about it, but I just cannot keep quiet about it, so here is my two bits. I am only addressing...
In case anyone cares; Rush Limbaugh is a liar. He has always been a liar and he thrives in his lies. When he started broadcasting, I actually listened to him. He was articulate and glib and very professional as what he did. ...