I just had a thought: The “fried voice” has become so ubiquitous that it is not only part of the youth culture, you are seeing working “professionals” and “actors” rock the fried voice. ...
Category - Brain Fart
I know I have ranted about current personal expression now as opposed to “back in the day”. I also know that I may be unfair. That was then and this was now. I get that. My only concern is for the person...
Since when did rustic mean old, decrepit, crude, and nasty. Think about it: At one time rustic was more or less a synonym with traditional, unfussy, and just plain ol’ stuff. Rustic food was food that hadn’t been...
All too often when I am out and about I see people who, if they have heard of courtesy at all, think that it begins with the letter “K”. Thus when they look it up in the dictionary to find out what that sucker...
I think that we are all aware of the situation in the last few years where new name combinations have been appearing. I refer not to the ubiquitous band wagon jumping whereby everyone seems to fixate on a couple of baby names;...
Why is it that an eighteen-year-old a teenager when they are a victim of a crime but an adult if they commit the crime?
You know I had a stupid brain fart. Do not take this seriously. It is a brain fart, pure and simple. We see various veteran’s benefits available all of the time. Low interest loans, special discounts, access to...
Isn’t it somewhat troubling that the integrity of current leadership is based in large part on whether or not they are ready or willing to testify against Little Boots. The Pro-POS’ers call them traitors and the...
Now I know that I am an old fart and I am not in the mainstream when it comes to style. Nor do I profess to know a damned thing about style. But I do know ugly when I see it. When I was growing up, there were styles that...
I had a conversation with someone who proclaimed to be a Devil Worshiper. It was an incredulous conversation. Talk about a conversation! She informed me that the reason she worshiped the Devil was because she did not believe...