Bad Drivers

Work with me here.

So you are an above average driver.  Yeh, yeh, I know: everyone is an above average driver.  Right!

I know that I am not the greatest driver in the world, but I know that I am generally a safe driver.  I do not weave in and out of traffic.  I signal before I change lanes.  I do not speed inordinately.  Most importantly, I do not cut people off, even if I have to take the next exit.

So I would say I am in the upper half of drivers.  Not the best, but certainly not in the lower half.

Now on any day, any time, consider this: half of the drivers on the road are below average.  After all, average means the middle so half of the drivers, by logic, are in the bottom half.  It also means that 10% (that is 1 in 10) of the drivers are awful.  They cannot walk and chew gum and should not be driving.  They are definitely menaces.  The worse part are they are generally “excused” because they are new/young.  Compounding this is that they are usually driving POS wrecks that should not even be on the road.  So you have bad drivers driving bad vehicles.

Now my question is, with 10% of the drivers being so horrible, why are they always in my stinking lane?

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