Assault Weapons

Show of hands:

Who is flipping stupid enough to hunt with a molded plastic, machine-stamped, rolled barrel “assault “ weapon?

You must be eating a hell of a lot of hamburger and crow (the last because you are too stupid to use a real hunting rifle).

No one, and I repeat, no one would use an assault weapon to do any hunting when a reasonable substitute was available unless they were a redneck a**hole trying to make a point and willing to eat pork chops.

Assault weapons are lousy for hunting. Assault weapons are even more lousy for self-defense. That begs the question: what are assault weapons good for? 1) the obvious military applications which does not put assault weapons in civilian hands, 2) fun to shoot which given the danger of these weapons in the wrong hands probably is not enough of a reason to allow civilian access*, 3) to allow for a well regulated militia which doesn’t hold water because we have a standing militia and the assault weapon crowd is definitely not well regulated. In fact, they are anything but. and 4) so you can shoot the shit out of people and/or the country-side.

Short answer. There is not one flipping justification for owning an assault weapon other than 1) you want one and 2) you are going to kill someone.

Guess what? I do not think I can stand behind either reason. In fact, I think your reasons stink!

A few days ago a person posted a reference, with associated diatribe, regarding the semi-automatic 1907 Winchester. It fired as fast as a modern plastic fantastic assault weapon. I guess the justification was that no one stopped people then so why should they now.

Well Skippy, you really should have done your homework and looked at the overall picture. Yes, civilians could buy this gun, but it wasn’t cheap. Far from it. And they weren’t buying them suckers and shooting up schools.

But even more telling, and you avoided mentioning, is that you could buy, via mail order or the Sears and Roebuck catalog , semi-automatic rifles, belt-fed machine guns, and sub machine guns such your ever famous Tommy Gun. Are you advocating that that is OK too? Hmmmm, not unless you are bat shit crazy.

Or do you want to drop back 60-70 years earlier when land owners bought their own cannons.

Oh, as to how we got here, starting in the 1920’s the bad guys (robbers, gangsters, kidnappers – you know, social outcasts) started to use the loose (non-existent) laws regarding the firepower available to them so the government passed laws regarding what civilians could and could not own. That is when you couldn’t own your very own Tommy Gun, belt-fed machine gun, sawed off shotguns, and such without special permits🥲.

Here is another fun fact; the NRA (yes the same NRA) participated in formulating the laws, supported, and backed the laws and regulations. That was when they were an organization that was promoting hunting and gun safety and not the redneck arm of the gun manufacturers – that didn’t come until the 1970’s and 80’s.

So the next time you harken to yesteryear try to be honest. It would be refreshing.

I doubt you will because looking at the whole picture will put a lot of pressure on your itty bitty mind and you might have to think.

* You know I could get behind the “fun to shoot” aspect if access to these guns were much more tightly controlled. For instance, classify them as an AOW (All other Weapon) which only requires a $5 Federal Stamp but the issuance of said stamp can take up to a year to certify and issue.