
I have a well-earned reputation of being a curmudgeon. I seem to always be railing about one darned thing or another, often to the point of beating the issue to death. I have Asperger’s Syndrome so I have a problem with letting things go but that is not a total explanation. I have done some personal evaluation and I have realized that most of the actions of others that push my button the most are when people act selfishly. Sometimes they are selfish when they gain nothing but they just cannot help themselves. I have made up a list of some of the selfish actions of others that came to mind and listed them below. I will probably add to the list on occasion. Oddly, I assume that others may read this list and find it hard to think of the actions as selfish but I challenge you to think a little bit more about it and I think you will get it.

  • Advocating against Social Security
  • Advocating against Medicare
  • Advocating against any form of medical care for all (Universal Health Care, Single-Payer Medical Care, Affordable Health Care, etc.)
  • Listening to phone/music in public places without headphone
  • Talking loudly on a mobile phone in public
  • Anti-immigration
  • Cutting you off in traffic
  • Passing you on the right
  • Isolationism
  • Anti-abortion rights
  • Pro-capital punishment
  • Anti-welfare
  • Pro farm subsidies
  • Pro gun
  • Not waiting you turn
  • Bicycling on sidewalk
  • Bicycling on road instead of bicycle lane
  • Supporting politicians who are reprehensible and/or breaking the law as long as you get what you want
  • Playing politics with peoples lives to get your personal agenda satisfied.