Another angst post

Hey, it is my flipping website and if I use it to work out some personal issues, so be it. The complaint department is run by Helen Waite, so if you do not like it go to Helen Waite.

The good thing is that as time goes by, I am starting to remember and cherish the good memories that Sandy and I had. That is not to say that in the middle of the night I do not dwell on the regrets I still have. Now though, I am starting to remember all of the great things about our life together, all of the moments that mean so much to me that they bring tears of joy and some sadness in the very memory of them. The good thing, though, is that I am now able to mostly remember the good and relish it.

Where is angst then? It is the daily realization that Sandy is not by my side and therefore today, like yesterday, and like tomorrow will be so damned lonely.