I know I am repeating myself but:
An Administrative Assistant is a Secretary who doesn’t do filing!
Sarcasm – Yes!!!
But more importantly – what is the BS regarding the AA term? Is it to try to elevate the role of a secretary? That is crap! The role of secretary only needs to be elevated by the ignorant and the insecure!
I have personally known many, many secretaries and many, many Administative Assistance’s. You know what? Their roles are the same and totally inseparable except for the title. That is if the secretary is doing her/his job right. It is no flipping accident that most all U.S. Executive Cabinet posts carry the title “Secretary”. Demeaning the position is your doing; not the position’s.
Yet, everyone seems to want to be Administrative Assistants. As if this gives the person more gravitas. Be advised, it does not. Most people know full well that it is a secretary with fancy pants.
Also, be advised; the fact that you or you employer thinks you need fancy pants does not bode well in the long (or short) run.
Being a secretary is not shameful. Being ashamed of being a secretary is worrisome.