Abortion vs “Church and State”

If one, just one, damned fool who objects to abortion does not invoke God in the conversation I will fall over in a faint. They all do! If that isn’t a proof positive that the abortion issue is, at its core, a case for separation of Church and State, I don’t know what is.

Now the Conservative Supremes are saying that abortion is not guaranteed by the Constitution. I will grant them that, but the 1st Amendment mandated a separation of Church and State. That dude was Number 1. Not by accident. It was that flipping important. It should be a no-brainer on those grounds alone for the Supremes.

Of course, the inbred attitudes of the majority of the Supreme Court count more than my thoughts. And making a reference to a no-brainer may be construed as a direct criticism of many members of the Supremes and they may take offense (right Clarence?).

It is not the first time in my life that logic, facts, and truth played second fiddle to politics and ideology. But here is the saddest part; 2/3 of Americans support abortion. At some point this minority BS from the Supremes and the Republican-heavy Senate is going to get too damn tiresome. Words of Warning

What interests me more than anything else is, in order to overturn Roe v Wade, it is going to take the vote of Justices who swore, under oath, that they would not do so.

Grounds for impeachment? Yes!

Lack of integrity? Yes – but that, unfortunately, was already a given if you look at their backgrounds.

They have no integrity. And they sit on the Supreme Court!