A Piece of Advice

I have seen several instances lately of arrogance by people in various venues. Sometimes the arrogant person was good, sometimes not. As an observation, even when the person was good at what they were doing or saying, the arrogance was unnecessary and unfounded.

There is no damned excuse for arrogance. Some say you need to put yourself out there. That is Bullshit. If you are good at what you do, people know. You do not have to show your ass. I am not saying you be a shrinking violet. I am not saying you do not need to promote yourself. If you do not do those things, you will get nowhere. You must stand up for yourself and you must present yourself and your accomplishments in a positive manner. In short, show what you are and what you have loudly and proudly.

But the minute you show the least bit of arrogance, you have lost me and anyone else who amounts to anything, Arrogance denotes bad personality traits not good ones. It does not show confidence. It shows intolerance, insensitivity, and lack of care for those around you,

Quite frankly, I would rather work with and hire someone who was less qualified than an arrogant P.O.S. regardless of how qualified that person was. And I have.

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