A Good Cup of Joe

I figured it was about time I put together my thoughts about Joe Biden. Remarkably, even though I am quite open about my thoughts about a lot of candidates I have never said anything about Joe. If you look at my posts both here and on Facebook, you will see nothing.

That is because from day one, I really have had no real negative feelings about his candidacy. Sadly, I have not had any real feelings of elation either. I have always thought of him as the candidate that was out there as the final alternative during the Democratic Primary process that was a safe bet if no one else could resonate with the voters. And that is exactly what happened. Before someone responds with “What about Bernie?” keep in mind that you can read my posts to see what I think about him. I am not dissing Bernie anymore but, let us be real, he was not now or ever a candidate that would attract a middle of the road voter. Joe would.

I had hoped for a more dynamic, progressive, positive, and aggressive candidate than Joe. I had my candidate but he did not last. Neither did several alternatives. The Democratic Party was poorly served by the aggressive candidacy of so very many candidates that were unqualified, did not have the organization, did not have a clear agenda, were unsure of all of the issues they needed to address as they were single issue candidates, were in it for the public exposure, or all of the above. This muddied the waters so much that national name recognition played a much more major role than normal in this primary. Thus it seemed that it had to become a race between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. In reality, it had to be Joe Biden to attract the majority of voters. After all, despite the rhetoric, Bernie has had pockets of popularity but had never attracted a majority of voters across a wide demographic while Joe Biden had.

Thus we were pretty much given Joe Biden by default. I think that he was and is everyone’s second or third choice. But that does not really matter: this time. What really, really matters is that we all support him and support him wholeheartedly because we have to get rid of this monstrosity that is in the White House now. He is a travesty of a human being; regardless of what political party he purportedly represents.

I also plan to support the down-ticket by voting Blue all of the way. I generally disagree with voting party and vote for the person: admittedly I vote for more Democrats than Republicans because I agree with their politics but I do look at the individual. But this is a special situation based upon one simple fact: THE REPUBLICAN PARTY CHOSE TO RENOMINATE THE ASSHOLE WITH NO REALISTIC OPPOSITION. They lost any, and I repeat, any integrity or sense of reality if they cannot distance themselves from this human failure; he is mentally ill and they sit on their asses and let him “run” the country – into the ground.