2020 – A Word of Caution

Everyone with half a brain is gearing up for 2020.  We know we have to get rid of Trump.  If we are fortunate enough to impeach the POS, we know that Pence will be no prize so we still need to get ready.

A word of caution.  Let us not make the Liberal Backlash mistake we have made in the past, most recently in 2004.  To refresh everyone’s memory, we had another worthless, incompetent president (albeit not a racist, misogynist, xenophobic Nazi).  He also was a president who won via the Electoral College with the minority of the popular vote and was experiencing a significant level of negative popularity.

So, come the 2004 election the Democratic Party exercised the common response.  I call it the Liberal Backlash.  The nominated a significantly Liberal candidate and he lost in the General Election, pretty badly.  Now I know that he was Swift Boated – conservatives lying about Kerry’s military career – but that was not the whole picture.

Let’s face it.  In that election, and in 2020, we do not have to convince a single person who voted for Hillary Clinton to vote against Trump.  They are already there.  In fact, they are stronger in their conviction than they ever were.  What we have to do is convince the intelligent non-conservative ideologues to vote against Trump this time.  That means that the Democratic Party must nominate a candidate that they can support.  Not a super-Liberal but a middle of the road candidate that gives them a choice that they can live with.

As an example: the worst thing we could do from an all-inclusive point of view would be to choose someone like Bernie Sanders.  Not because he would be a bad President, not because he would be a good President, but because he will not attract the votes from those people in the middle.  Those people who will switch parties at a whim.

Remember, the majority of the voters will vote for the same party year after year.  The ones that change parties are the ones that you are after in the election.  Focus on them and make sure you get them.  We need to get rid of the POS.

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