It seems to be the height of fashion for men to have a short beard now. Maybe three days to a week of beard growth. It is not an accident as everywhere you look people are sporting this “fashion” and it has been...
Archive - January 2019
I have always been very critical of the so-called Chicken Hawks. Not to be confused with homosexual predators of young males, I am referring to that pantheon of draft evaders, generally from the Vietnam War era, who are so...
I do not know if you have heard of “Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)”. It is a law that was passed in 1990 to, as stated, protect Native American Graves and Artifacts. It was a long...
As I write this, in January 2019, Bernie has not announced his candidacy for the 2020 election, but I see all of the signs that he will. This includes the various stalking horses that are “urging” him to run again...
I haven’t been posting much lately. I would like to say it was because I was too busy but that would be a lie. I have been lazy. The funny thing is that having this site is a cathartic thing unto itself. I have little...
So much has said about the wall the Little Boots is trying to force down our throat that I have really did not want to talk very much about it, but I just cannot keep quiet about it, so here is my two bits. I am only addressing...
In case anyone cares; Rush Limbaugh is a liar. He has always been a liar and he thrives in his lies. When he started broadcasting, I actually listened to him. He was articulate and glib and very professional as what he did. ...